healing religious trauma

These Online Book Episodes Exist For Two Reasons:


To initiate a real (possibly long overdue) conversation about our “Christian” concepts, education, and experiences. Specifically, those that misrepresent “God’s True Character” and may cause “trauma patterns” surrounding our relationships with God and others.


To recognize the necessity of plugging into the TRUE SOURCE of Love, Light, and Power and unplugging from the FALSE SOURCE of deception, falsehoods, and misrepresentations so we can unravel our religious trauma, instill the genuine truth about God into our hearts, and create a new story for our lives.

As you’ll find out, I will be fully transparent, honest, and truthful throughout this book. While this isn’t easy, it is necessary. I must be able to have this conversation about my own experience if I ever hope to help others know and understand who God is, who He isn’t, and why He’s worthy of our undevoted love and trust.

I’ve learned that telling my story with honest vulnerability gives others the courage to tell theirs. This opens the door for healing. I’ve spent the last ten years allowing God to transform my life and heal the effects of generational spiritual abuse. It’s developed a burden inside of me to help others who have suffered in the same way. I want to help those people.

My prayer is that you also will find it helpful!



First, take a peek into the apparent and not-so-obvious beginnings of my religious trauma and how even the subtle beginning foundations of our lives can have profound effects.

In the book episode “Unraveling The Trauma,” I attempt to give the phrase “religious trauma” some tangible definition so you may recognize and give language to things that happened to you.

We’ll take a look at the different aspects, signs, symptoms, behavior patterns, and characteristics of a person with trauma patterns surrounding religion. Then, I send you off to take a personal survey to discover how “religious trauma” has affected your life.

Next, I share the one “key” concept that can change everything forever. It’s the ONLY thing that will give you true freedom and hope and a clear path safely out of false indoctrination, bringing an end to generational religious trauma in your life and the lives of loved ones.

In “The Rest Of The Story” episode, I tell the complex parts of my story I call “My Life In The Fishbowl.” This is not to judge or condemn any particular person, church organization, or religious sect. I’ve discovered that people don’t want to leave God or their spiritual organization, nor do I advocate that. What hurting people mostly want is to be seen, heard, understood, and supported; they need to tell and share the truth about their experience as it relates to God.

I then share what it meant to live under the “Great Contradiction.” This was the most significant culmination of “religious trauma” I’d ever endure vs. the greatest love and lessons that have proved to serve me for life.

Eventually, in our journey to unravel the trauma story, it is essential not to stop and focus on the “messy middle” of life. If we focus instead on our deliverance from such things, we participate in the complete transformation available to each of us. The miraculous part is where we are delivered from the complications and deceitful lies the enemy brings into our lives.

In the chapter “Instilling The Truth,” I demonstrate this by revealing the PILLARS of my healing journey, the foundational principles I relied on, the MILESTONES, significant achievements that marked my progress; and the TRAIL MARKERS, signs that guided me on the right path.

It’s not an easy journey but a thrilling one worth every step!

The goal is to embrace the journey, take steps to recover from religious trauma, and enter the healing process with all our hearts and minds.

Finally, in the last chapter, “Creating A New Story,” I illustrate my entire transformation story through an allegory called “The Tale Of Two Believers” for those “healing from religious trauma.”

It might seem like a lot, but really, the entirety of these book episodes can be summed up in the following three points:


It is possible to unravel your religious trauma, instill the truth, and create a new life story.


God can define Himself to us personally.


The healing journey includes individual inspiration, true motivation, spiritual awareness, and fundamental freedom.

I sincerely hope this “transformational story” will help you find the language to express your story with grace, mercy, and love.

I also hope the path to healing I introduce in this book will empower you with the answers you need.

I believe the dialogue about “religious trauma” can and must come to a more positive approach. People like you can make this happen.

It’s a privilege to share my journey of unraveling religious trauma, healing sacred sorrows, and allowing God to restore the sacred parts of my soul. My unique perspective may resonate with you if you are on a similar path.

I hope these things inspire and inform you to grow and improve so you can contribute to the growth and improvement of others.

Remember, I am here for you if you need guidance as you start your healing journey after reading these online book episodes. Don’t hesitate to reach out. I am ready to assist you in any way I can.


Helping people like you to overcome “religious trauma” patterns (however insignificant they seem) and launch into a clearer vision and deeper connection with God is what I live to do.

I’m here to help.

Onward with courage,
Debra Shafer