👉 People on their healing journeys.

👉 People seeking true connection.

👉 People rising from religious trauma.

👉 People overcoming the “Status Quo.”

👉 People living life on purpose.

Life Coach, Teacher, Author, Content Creator, & Friend

Ways To Work With Me

The Rest Of The Story


Be seen, heard, understood, and supported through one-on-one life coaching, guidance, and education.

Navigate a new life, heal from religious trauma, walk through life’s transitions, and live your life on purpose with the support and guidance you need.

I specialize in teaching a unique and effective path to healing religious trauma with a foundation in Common Sense Psychology™ and other methods and techniques that Jesus used.

Get a coaching package and I’ll stand by your side to support you and help you to create a life you love.

Instilling The Truth


Read about my journey of overcoming generational spiritual abuse and religious trauma in my book HE IS ENOUGH.

I wrote this book so you could see what a journey of transformation looks like and to show you how you can overcome religious trauma, too.

I also created a mini-course, TRUTH OVER TRADITION, to guide you on a path that will help you get started on your healing journey.

Get the book, audiobook, and mini-course. 

Martha & Mary


We bring together the scattered flock of God’s fold healing from religious trauma to re-frame our connection to God by unraveling the trauma, instilling the truth, and creating a new story.

In this environment of Unconditional Love, we’re discovering and learning to apply TOGETHER the true principles of healing found in the Bible and other inspired sources, including the methods and techniques that Jesus used with individuals.

Courses, Quests, Challenges, Group Coaching, Study Calls, Discussions, Chats, and more! 

👇 A personal letter to my clients, students, and readers...

Just between friends, I wish I could say, I chose my life work when I was a little girl. You know, raised my hand and shouted, “This is what I want to be when I grow up, kind of thing.”

But truth be told, if I knew then, what I know now, it would have terrified me. How could someone raise their hand in their tender years, and say, “When I grow up, I want to help people heal from spiritual abuse and religious trauma.”

Who does that? No one.

These kinds of missions, held deep within a heart, burning in their bones, are only discovered after a lifetime of experiences.

Unfortunately, for me, that means a lifetime of spiritual abuse and religious trauma which I never signed up for (but God foresaw the plan and I would have it no other way – Thank you, God).

So, I can’t say, I’ve raised my hand for this work.

But I can say, it is work I – can’t – not – do (sorry grammar geeks).

I’m uniquely equipped.

Short talk for… been there… done that.

Deep within my soul, I want the truth to be told about God.

Who He is, and who He isn’t.

I want to help people who’ve been held by a lifetime of generational spiritual abuse and religious trauma. I want to help them see past tradition, spurious ideas, and false indoctrination, right into the beautiful light of truth found in God’s Unconditional Merciful Love.


    👉 I’m here to spark change without severing our sacred ties to God.

    👉 I’m here to have these long-overdue conversations.

    👉 I’m here to give language to what is so hard to say.


And, although you may not believe it right now, we are ALL a part of this conversation.

It’s time we begin to understand what religious trauma is and embark upon a healing journey of freedom from it.


 👉 From indoctrinated false belief systems and the trauma patterns that follow.


👉 Finding a meaningful, inspired deeply connected life.


The work I do helps people unravel the trauma, instill the truth, and create a new story for their lives. It may help you, or someone you know and love.

I’ve come to realize in this work, that the greater part of people who are suffering, one way or another, surrounding religious trauma, are wholly unaware of it.

You know… eyes closed 🙈, sleeping 😴.

Ears closed 🙉, in denial 🫷.

Lukewarm 💧, exposed but don’t know they’re naked 🫨🫣.

Get it?

There are gross misrepresentations of God happening all around, yet we remain silent.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve given a talk about it and people always think I’m talking about someone else, or some other group.

You might be thinking that right now and that’s OK. It takes getting into it a bit, and then just like clockwork…

-the light 💡 bulb turns on!

-oh, you’re talking about me 👩🏻, -and us 👨🏾‍🦳👩🏻‍🦰🧓🏻👩🏿‍🦱👱🏻👳🏾‍♂️.

The reason this subject is so difficult to face is that it touches “The Sacred Parts Of Our Souls.”

The parts where even angels fear to tread. The parts of us that are only reserved for God.

And, sometimes, the parts of us where “well-meaning” people have meddled and violated.

I’m here to tell you there is a beautiful and glorious remedy for all these things.

And it doesn’t involve being critical, harsh, or unloving. Not at all.

It just takes being able to “see God” for who He truly is, -and isn’t.

Onward with courage,

Debra 🥰💕


Read my story online for free.

“I greatly appreciate being able to work with a life coach who comes from a similar religious background who has found a way through the maze and is willing to lend a hand to guide others toward the light of freedom. I’m also grateful that, unlike former modern “therapeutic” experiences I’ve encountered, we do not spend endless months/years (and dollars!) reliving & parsing old traumas. The wounds are respectfully assessed and acknowledged, then simple effective treatment is offered so healing can begin immediately from the inside out.”

Heide Cox


👉 Do you need support or are you facing a challenge?

👉 Do you want to book a small group speaking engagement in person or online?

👉 Do you need one-on-one coaching?


Email me at: debra@stronglifecommunity.com


Debra Marie Shafer, Founder of Healing Religious Trauma Coaching Services, Certified Healing Religious Trauma and Common Sense Psychology Life Coach